XMPP Presense

Presense is the technology allowing you choose what informations of your network availability you want to share. This is happening by subscription “handshake” To request someone’s presence you send him a subscruption request: <presence from="george@im.company.org" to="mary@im.company.org" type="subscribe" /> The recepient can approve it or denied by sending presence stanza of type subscribed or unsubscribed: <presence from="mary@im.company.org" to="george@im.company.org" type="subscribed" /> This is bidirectional process. So the recepient also send you a subscription request and you also can subscrube or unsubscrbe to it....

June 24, 2024

Basic xmpp

Domains Every JabberID (JID) contain domain portion. It’s an server address. Every JID looks like this: test@test.com worker@chat.company.org admin@chat.application.com Users User name is case insensetive ACII characters string without special characters Resources When you connect your client to an XMPP server server ( or manualy ) assign resoirce id for that particular connection. This is using for routing trafic to connection instead of any other open connection ( if exists )....

June 23, 2024